


在夏季,人们的体感温度上升,小型风扇覆盖的范围范围小,吊扇的使用,可以帮助人们提高舒适度和集中注意力, 体感温度最大下降7℃。

In summer, people's body temperature rises, small fans cover a small area, The use of ceiling fans can help people improve their comfort and concentration, the maximum drop in body temperature is 7 °C.



The setting temperature of air conditioner is lower in summer, which consumes a lot of electricity, air conditioner is combined with fan, which can cold air to every corner on average, In accordance with international standards, each increase of 1 °C saves 7% of energy consumption, and an increase of 4 °C saves 28% of energy consumption. both fan and air conditioner work together can save the electricity expense massively for the owner.